Monday, May 14, 2007

The Scoop

Tony laid out the typical schedule at Yad Vashem. We board a bus each day that takes us from the hotel to YV -- I believe this happens at 8. As we've already noted, the hotel offers a fabulous complimentary breakfast. Tony says it typically includes fish, salads, all sorts of stuff. There's a grocery directly across from the hotel, and he usually bought food there, stored it in his room fridge, and brought his lunches to YV. There is a restaurant close to YV, but it might be a bit overpriced, according to Tony. There's more to say about YV itself, so if you have specific questions, ask away. He had much to say about the specific content of the lectures, the scholars, the survivors, etc. As for the city itself, Tony shared loads of photos and stories. The day trips include visits to Masada, Galilee, the Dead Sea, the beach in Tel Aviv... I think I might be repeating what we all read in the YV info, but since we've discussed some of this here, I thought it might be worth repeating. Matt, do you remember other pertinent points?

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